更新:2025-01-13 08:16 编号:29667476 发布IP: 浏览:10次- 发布企业
- 东莞优控机电工程有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:东莞优控机电工程有限公司组织机构代码:91441900MA56RYQ07K
- 报价
- 人民币¥168.00元每台
- 海鹏
- 55KW
- 赛莱默
- 75KW
- 百事得
- 90KW
- 所在地
- 广东省东莞市黄江镇袁屋围永昌街6号2栋301室
- 联系电话
- 0186-88678673
- 手机
- 18688678673
- 经理
- 莫工 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Dongguan Optimal Control Electro-Mechanical Engineering Co.,Ltd., a leading provider of advanced industrial solutions, proudlypresents its latest offering: the Zhuhai Fan and Wind PumpModification and Reconstruction. With a price tag of just under168.00 yuan per unit, this product is set to revolutionize theindustry. Let us delve into the intricate details and explorevarious perspectives to guide our esteemed customers through theirpurchasing decisions.
This remarkable product is equipped with severalstate-of-the-art features. The first parameter of note is the"Zhang Drum," renowned for its exceptional durability andreliability. With a power range of 110KW, this component enablesthe utmost precision and efficiency in wind pumping operations.Coupled with the "Luo Iron," boasting a power range of 220KW, thisdynamic duo is ready to deliver unparalleled performance.
To further enhance the operational capabilities of our ZhuhaiFan and Wind Pump Modification and Reconstruction, we haveincorporated the prestigious "Bai Shi De" technology. With a powerrange of 90KW, this component ensures maximum productivity andoutput. Additionally, the "Sai Lai Mo" parameter provides a powerrange of 75KW, establishing a perfect balance between efficiencyand power consumption.
As we continue to explore the depths of this extraordinary product,we encounter the "Hai Peng" feature. With a power range of 55KW,this component exhibits impressive adaptability, rendering itsuitable for diverse operational environments. Last but not least,the "Chang Sha" component completes this remarkable suite ofcapabilities with a power range of 37KW, ensuring enhancedperformance even in the most demanding conditions.Now that we havefamiliarized ourselves with the individual parameters, let usexplore how they come together to create a holistic solution. Byutilizing a combination of various parameter values, the Zhuhai Fanand Wind Pump Modification and Reconstruction can be tailored tosuit any requirement. Whether it is a high-intensity industrialsetting or a more moderate application, this product offers theflexibility to adapt and excel.In order to ensure seamlessintegration into existing systems, our team of experts hasmeticulously engineered the Zhuhai Fan and Wind Pump Modificationand Reconstruction to be compatible with a wide range of industrystandards. This compatibility guarantees a smooth transition,minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.It is worthmentioning that the Zhuhai Fan and Wind Pump Modification andReconstruction has undergone rigorous testing and validation beforereaching our esteemed customers. Our commitment to quality andcustomer satisfaction is unrivaled, and we take pride in deliveringproducts that meet and exceed expectations.In conclusion, theZhuhai Fan and Wind Pump Modification and Reconstruction is a truetestament to Dongguan Optimal Control Electro-MechanicalEngineering Co., Ltd.'s dedication to innovation and advancement.With its exceptional features, compatibility, and commitment toquality, this product is an indispensable tool for any industryseeking to optimize their productivity and efficiency. Make thewise choice and invest in the future of industrial solutions.(WordCount: 500)
(2)求水位降 根据所选型号,参照产品样本,查出其额定流量Qe,按下式求出此流量时的水位降。
SM=SqQe (6—40)
式中 SM—水位降,m,SM≤H2。
Hd=Hi+SM (6—41)
L=Ha+(1~2) (6-42)式中L-输水管的总长度,m。
(5)求总损失扬程 根据输水管直径和流量,查出每10m长输水管的摩擦
△Hz=0.1hL(6-43)式中 L-输水管总损失扬程,m。
成立日期 | 2017年07月16日 | ||
法定代表人 | 莫永劝 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 东莞电机维修、风机维修、水泵维修、水泵控制柜维修改造、恒压无负压供水设备维修改造 | ||
经营范围 | 电机维修、风机维修、水泵维修、水泵控制柜维修改造、无负压供水设备维修改造 | ||
公司简介 | 东莞优控机电工程有限公司是一家从事各类直流电机、永磁电机、伺服电机、印刷机主电机、水泵、水泵控制柜、鼓风机、罗茨风机、机械等机电设备销售、安装、维修保养,水泵节能改造、机电设计改造改装及维修、机械加工为一体的综合性服务公司,同时拥有特种设备的按装维修许可证和不同企业的设备维修与销售代理权,填补了以前单一的局限性,提高了我单位的荣誉度。主要以维修、销售、保养、按装各种机电设备及制冷设备、塔吊、发电机 ... |
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- 恩平大型电机节能改造168.00元/台
先锋:110KW - 罗阳罗茨鼓风机维修改造168.00元/台
长沙:37KW - 石滩冷却循环水泵维修改造168.00元/台
荏原:22KW - 阳江CNC电主轴伺服电机维修168.00元/台
法兰克:15KW - 道窖齿轮箱减速机维修168.00元/台
恒力:75KW - 坂田真空泵维修改造168.00元/台
爱德华:22KW - 平潭真空泵维修改造168.00元/台
好利旺:18.5KW - 梅林真空泵节能改造168.00元/台
莱宝:37KW - 温泉真空泵节能改造168.00元/台
通优:15KW - 从化永磁电机充磁维修168.00元/台