珠海铺地石材耐磨测试 防滑系数检测
岩相分析 petrographic description
吸水率 water absorption
表观密度和孔隙率 apparent density and open porosity
弯曲强度 Flexural Strength
抗压强度 compressive strength
耐磨性 Abrasion resistance
防滑性 Slip Resistance
毛细吸水率 water absorption coefficient by capillarity
抗冻性 frost resistance
温度冲击 Thermal shock resistance
销钉孔破坏载荷 resistance to fixing(dowel hole)
声速测试 Soundspeed
莫氏硬度 Mohs' hardness
防滑性能 Ramp slip resistance
破坏能量rupture energy
尺寸测量 Dimension
盐晶测试 Saltcrystallization
盐雾测试 Saltmist
二氧化硫老化 sulfur dioxide exposure
板岩岩相分析 Petrographic description
厚度 thickness
尺寸偏差 Demension deviation
弯曲强度 Bending Strength
热循环 Thermal cycling
抗压强度(干、湿) compressive strength
吸水率及密度 Absorption by weight andgravity
弯曲强度(干、湿) Flexural Strength
断裂模数 modulus of rupture
抗压强度(干、湿) Compressive strength
弯曲强度(干、湿) Flexural strength
密度和吸水率 density and water absorption
真密度和真气孔率true density and true porosity
肖氏硬度 Shore hardness
耐酸性 acid resistance